În perioada 17 – 18 aprilie participăm la VOTE@16 Seminar în Tallinn.
From 17th to 18th of April we are going to participate at VOTE@16 SEMINAR in Tallinn.
Cu această ocazie are loc și a doua finală a concursului Imagine Europe.
With this occasion, a second final of the Imagine Europe contest will happen.
Mai multe detalii despre VOTE@16 SEMINAR:
In May 2018 Estonian National Youth Council in cooperation with Children’s Voice Association from Finland organised thematic seminar in Parliament of Estonia dedicated to Estonian experience in lowering the voting age for local government elections. Due to high interest from participants and partners we decided to organise second-phase of the event which will focus to possibility of lowering the voting age in European Parliament elections which has been one of the recommendations from the Parliament to memberstates of EU.
The seminar aims to share arguments in favour or against the topic over all, investigate practices, data and impact of European countries which already have lowered the voting age and to initiate dialogue between youth and decision-makers about each expectations and cooperation outlooks. Due to upcoming European Parliament elections it will be one of the scope areas of the seminar.
The seminar is funded by Erasmus+ programme through Estonian National Youth Agency and Republic of Estonia Ministry of Education and Research.
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